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Add your location in New Google Maps - 2020 Latest Update - sajidz Tech

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Add your location in New Google Maps – 2020 Latest Update

We know google map is the best way to track any specific location. And in this case we can also add our own location in google map if it’s missing. In the previous of the google map we can add our missing places but here have some problems that we never get the approval of that google map location in a quickest basis. For that we need to wait for at least 24 hours to 7 days.

But now you can add your own location in google map within 1 minute.

So for that you need to do some process. So you need to follow those steps. These are:

Step-1: First of all you need to update your google map from Google Play store.

Step-2: Now open your Google Maps/Maps

Step-3: Now go to bottom menu and click on Contribute (For Android 10+ version) and click on the three dots and click on the Add missing places (For Android less than 10 Version)

Step-4: Now click on the Add place.

Step-5: Now add the place location name, category, Location by clicking the location icon

Step-6: Now add all the information like phone number, Start and close hours, Hours duration, Closing days.

Step-7: After entering all the information click on the send button on the top right side.

Step-8: After that you will get a Thank you card then if you want to add more location then click on the Contribute More Or close the page.

After following all the process and sending it then within 1 minute you will get a message from that gmail address by which you Google Map is signed in.

And here it is the main thing that in the past it takes a lot of time. But now it takes only 1-2 minutes.

Now, we hope you get the thing that you want to add your desired place in the google map. And we hope it will give a lot of pleasure.

You can also watch my video to get more information

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