25th, September, 2020
Now Facebook is one of the most used Social Media platform. We use it mostly to communicate with our related persons. And it has now Billions of users. So here have a lot of accounts. And among these accounts some accounts are very helpful but some are very dangerous. For that reason now we need sometimes hack a Facebook Account.
It may be for our security purpose or sometimes we need to get some information or sometimes we do it illegally.
So in order to hack a Facebook account we find a lot of tricks and ways. Among these ways we get some web apps that promise us to give the hacked account password. So that we can easily hack that Facebook account.
Among that we apps we get an App that is Facebook Password Sniper.
So here they make some steps to hack a Facebook Account by Facebook Password Sniper.
Most of the users think that it works perfectly. And some marketer also promote these type of website. But I feel it will not works. So does it work perfectly or not. To know about that you need to read the post right now.
Step-1: Go to https://www.fpstool.com/
Step-2: Click on Open Facebook Password Sniper Button
Step-3: Give here the Victim’s Facebook Username or ID. (It will you get in the facebook profile of that victim. So go to on his/her Facebook Profile. And you will get the URL on the URL bar top. https://www.facebook.com/that_person’s_username_or_the_ID
Step-4: It will take sometimes to hack it. And it starts a Rainbow table.
Step-5: After that they will prepare the password of that Victim’s Facebook profile.
Stpe-6: click on the Link called Click Here To Get The Password And click here.
Step-7: You need to make human Verification. You need to comment on some specific YouTube Videos with their given comments. And confirm your YouTube name. By which account you complete the commenting.
But after that their game starts. Now they will say the comment are not found. And you need to comment again. And it you need to make again and again. But it will not work. And never will work.
Because They haven’t any legal passwords. And you also can’t Hack any Facebook by these type of websites. Because these type of tricks are not worked.
They just use you to promote their website and they have done it by you. And if you do or make human verification again and again it will not work. It just promote them.
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