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How to track Lost or Handover Phone's location easily || 2020 Latest trick - sajidz Tech

track your lost phone

How to track Lost or Handover Phone’s location easily || 2020 Latest trick

Now a days we use smart phones. And in this case in sometimes we lost your mobile phone or we need to handover your phone to others. And now you need to track that exact location where it is. Or what the exact location so that you clearly know about that where your phone in located right now. So you want to track it by other phones. So, in this post I want to share with a trick by which you can do it.

So, it’s a precaution for you to do some settings in your mobile so that you can track it after in lost or handover. So the steps are

  1. Open any browser and sign in with your any gmail account.
  2. Now click on the gmail account profile picture and then go to on it.
  3. Now find the option Data & Personalization and Find an option Location History and click it. If it’s On then OK otherwise make it Turn On.

Now you can handover your phone to other or no problem if it’s lost.

Now the trick will be how to find it properly?

  1. Use any other mobile and sign in with same account which you sign in before your that handover or stolen mobile phone.
  2. And now use this link or search by your browser Google Dashboard and open it.
  3. Now from here find an option called Location History And here you will get your last location. If it’s then it will show you the last location or if it on then you will get the exact location.

And by this trick you can also track your mobile phone’s exact location if you want. But here you need to sign in with your lost mobile phone with a Gmail account and Turn on the Location History exactly. Otherwise it will work for you. So don’t wast you time and Sign in a Gmail account with your mobile and turn or The location right now. So that it will work it the time when you need it.

It could be very very helpful for you indeed.

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If you don’t get it right now so you can also watch my tutorial on this topic too.

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