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Merge a PDF files into One File - sajidz Tech

Merge PDF

Merge a PDF files into One File

Now a day, there have lots of people use PDF files for their document purpose. And sometimes we have a lot of PDF files to read but we need to merge those in one files and for that reason we need to merge these all PDF files into one files. And for that reason sometimes people edit the PDF files and then make it merge but it really costly work and very hard to make but you can make it easily in online.

There have a lot of Online applications by which you can easily make merge all the files into one PDF file.

If you have some PDF file now you want to merge those PDF files into one PDF files that time you may think it will be really tough for you but I think these are really easy for you. So how you can do these by using online in this blog I will discuss with you.

So for that you need to use a website for this and by this you can do it easily. SO follow the trick step by step:

  1. Go to in this website:
  2. Now take all the files in a folder and choose all the PDF files that you want.
  3. Now click on Merge Files and choose options.
  4. Now re-arrange all the files serially. So that every page come serially as your arrangement.
  5. Now click on Merge PDF button
  6. Now to download the PDF files after generate then click on download.

By this way you can easily merge a lot of PDF files into one PDF file. And It will be very useful for you because now you can read all the files under one PDF files and your needn’t to open all PDF files one by one.

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