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Tech Advancements Archives - sajidz Tech

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Apple’s Modern ‘Inactivity Reboot’ Feature Aims to Progress iPhone Security

Apple is supposedly creating a feature called "Inactivity Reboot" for iPhones, which may naturally reboot a gadget after drawn out periods of inertia. Outlined to ensure users' data in cases of misfortune or theft, the Inertia Reboot include would serve...
Google Logo

Focusing on Thermal Management: Google Pixel 11 Set to Dispatch with Tensor G6 Chip

The upcoming Google Pixel 11, anticipated to feature the new Tensor G6 chip, is allegedly focusing on upgraded thermal performance to address overheating issues that have influenced past models. This move, agreeing to recent reports, is pointed at reducing returns...
Ai Tools

A Symphony of Voice-Activated AI Tools

Within the ever-evolving scene of artificial intelligence (AI), voice-related instruments have developed as a transformative drive, reshaping the way we connected with innovation. From voice collaborators that react to our each command to progressed discourse acknowledgment frameworks, the domain of...

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